Sacred Medicine Wheel Teachings| Do you feel called to explore unique and ancient spiritual healing methods? Embark on a sacred journey around the Medicine Wheel and learn the modalities, philosophies and wisdom of the shaman. This transformative and spiritual experience will give you the tools, skills and the mind-set you need to help others and yourself.
Experiencing the four directions of the Sacred Medicine Wheel will change the way you view the world and experience life all aspects of your life, including relationships, financial, spiritual and health. Learn to understand how our emotions affect our reality and begin to clear them.
In the South meet Serpent who helps us shed our painful stories of the past so we can move forward.
- Let go of self-destructive negative patterns.
- Identify the root of old trauma and release it from your energy field.
- Learn to clear the chakra system.
- Begin self-mastery and spiritual protentional.
- Begin to create your Mesa (medicine bundle) that becomes a healing extension of you.
- Receive the first three Munay Ki rites. These rites build the foundation of your healing and protection by bringing in certain energies to assist the growth of your gifts.
In West is where we meet Jaguar who helps us mulch heavy energy.
- Step beyond death, strip your ego of fear.
- Perform entity or negative spirit releasement.
- Remove crystalized energy from others.
- Experience and learn Spirit Flight – let your energy body be free.
- Receive the next three Munay Ki rites to build a connection with those who have come before you.
The North is where we meet step into infinite joy and possibility with Hummingbird.
- Discover past lives and how they affect your current life.
- Meet your ancestors and help release their burden that they have passed to you.
- Journey to the under world and find your soul pieces.
- Gain powerful wisdom by breaking and rewriting soul contracts.
- Receive your 7th Munay Ki Rite.
In the East is fly wing to wing with Eagle/Condor.
- Sit in stillness, become the creator.
- Balance the archetypes in each chakra.
- Meet your Star Parents and feel the original blue print of your soul.
- Become the Creator of your Destiny.
- Receive your Ancestor stone that directly connects you to the lineage of healers who have come before you.
This program is rooted, but not limited to the Q’ero tradition. In this program you will discover eclectic shamanism, the journeying process, how to work through trauma, clear the luminous energy field that surrounds us all, the process of soul retrieval, Inner Child work and much more. Program starts this fall and includes starter materials. This program meets for three (3) days Fri-Sat four (4) separate weekends totaling 12 days together with support in between sessions.
*This is a plant-medicine free program. We do not partake in psychotropic plant medicine ceremonies.